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Billy The Blue Whale: Book 1 - THE AURA STONES

CHAPTER 1: THE PROPHECY. On a remote island in the East, under a canopy of ancient stars, village elders gather, foretelling a cosmic alignment that signifies the dawn of a new era for the planet and all of its inhabitants.

MIRA (The Village Mystic): "People of Whale Island, the time draws near. As the stars align, so too shall the new guardians arise. We must prepare for the celestial event and safeguard the aura stone as it awakens."

Beneath the waves surrounding the island, two majestic Blue Whales lead their pod in a celestial symphony, eyes illuminated by the starlight reflecting in the water, their song echoing the melody of the stars.
WHALE CHORUS: "O, great Cosmos, hear our song!"

Their dance, mirrored in the heavens, weaves the fabric of fate, calling to the Cosmos.

As their song reaches its crescendo, from ancient depths, the forgotten gateway reopens. A glowing blue beacon emerges from the depths of the sea, bridging worlds.

From afar to the West, pirates take notice, as the majestic Blue Whale eclipses the moon in the night sky.

SINAN (First Mate): “So the legend is true…about the return of the mythical Blue Whale!!”

At the exact moment of the portal’s opening, Billy The Blue Whale and Nelly (a human child) are born, destined souls brought forth by the Cosmic alignment.

MIDWIFE: [Speaking of Nelly to her parents] "Born under the eclipse, destined for greatness."

The whale calf of destiny has arrived, confirmed by an ancient relic which has not been seen for thousands of years. [As the illuminated, sacred stone lands by Billy’s birthplace.]
OSIRIS (Billy's Father): "This is where it belongs."

Two months later, as peace blankets the island village, none foresee the shadow approaching from the sea. This is the calm before the storm.

MIRA: "She is a precious jewel of the sea, who will protect us and help restore balance to our planet. See how the stone is drawn to her. And there is another, which has emerged."

OSIRIS: "March forth my son! You are destined for greatness!" [The beneficent king of the seas lets out a sonorous whale tune that reverberates through the seas.]

ISIS (Billy’s Mother): “He is only 2 months old dear. Let him grow into his strength.”
OSIRIS: “He is a Blue Whale, my queen! The most majestic creature to roam the Earth, and will one day be King of the Seas.”
ISIS: “Yes, one day - the aura stone has signified it…but not today. He is still my little baby, isn’t that right Billy?”

Billy is filled with admiration and awe for these majestic beings that care for him.

Dark sails, billowing against a stormy sky, appear on the horizon. Pirate ships, led by the sinister Captain Seth and drawn by the power of the aura stones, covet the light of destiny.

As pirates raid the village in search of treasure, chaos ensues.
CAPTAIN SETH: "Tear this place apart! Search every home and kill anyone who stands in your way. Find me the stone!!"

From the depths, a protector rises, his heart as fierce as the ocean’s storm.
Osiris, large and determined, rises from the water, and uses his massive size and strength to overturn pirate ships, to protect the coastal village, something that his ancestors have been doing for centuries. Whales have always had a special connection to Whale Island. The pirates struggle with the mighty blue whale.
OSIRIS: "Not while I draw breath!!"
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